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Young Entrepreneur Went From Working In McDonald's To Millionaire Status

Young Entrepreneur Went From Working In McDonald s To Millionaire Status
Date Posted: Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

A college student made a thousands of pounds trading from his bedroom while working part-time shifts at McDonald's.

Robert Mfune was just 16 when he learned the basics of binary trading by running errands at a finance firm after classes.

He started trading from his home in Southampton aged 17 and had made enough money to buy a £130,000 Bentley by the time he passed his A-Levels.

Mr Mfune has now bought his mother a £130,000 house and a car - and is a millionaire before turning 20.

The businessman said: 'Going to college, working at McDonald's and as a tea boy and trading from home was the toughest time of my life.

'It's just like going to uni with the fees you pay and loans you take out if you're going to make it big you've got to suffer for a few years.'

The success started with an after-college job at a finance firm, where Mr. Mfune learned the ins and outs of the industry.

He said: 'When I was a tea boy I got to learn a few things as I was always with well informed people, from the things I learnt I went home and did my own research.'

At 17 he started trading from home, setting up an account under his mother's name to work around regulatory age restrictions - all while working at McDonald's and studying for his A-Levels, which he passed with AAB grades.

A mentor helped the entrepreneur set up his own account when he turned 18, which he now uses to continue to grow his fortune.

He said: 'I've bought my mum a car because I didn't want people seeing my mum getting a bus when I'm earning a good amount. Then the next step was to get her a nice place so I bought her a house.'

Mr Mfune has also invested his money in coffee shops and houses in England and property in his home country of South Africa.

He also owns a £250,000 fleet of cars, including a Range Rover and his gold-coloured Bentley continental GT, but insists he is not materialistic.

He said: 'It's fun, it's nice to have nice cars but I don't value them as much as people who see me driving a gold car, it's just a bonus, I'm more about family, friendship, and love.

'My goal is to make is to make people happy. I'd like to make sure everyone has got what they need and that's me done.'

He added: 'When I was 18, I got a Bentley but when I was 19 I decided to get it wrapped in a gold body kit. I was going to get a different car every year but I thought why not just change my Bentley.

'I sent it to Kream Developments who gave it a custom body kit and wrapped it in gold. No-one has got this, it’s the only one in the country.'

His mother Susan said she was 'very proud' of her son but deemed his gold-wrapped Bentley 'too flashy'.

She said: 'Maybe I'm old fashioned but I just thought why would you paint it gold? The silver was already good. But if it was me, I wouldn't buy it.'

Mr. Mfune added: 'I have friends from school who treat me differently because of something material and now want to be my friend.

'Now that I’ve got this though, I’ve got a completely different group of friends. The people who used to see me at the bottom are the same people who are seeing me at the top so of course they’re going to change.'



Source: dailymail.co.uk

Date Posted: Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 , Total Page Views: 15237

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